HomeLinuxWhat is nohup Command and How to Use it?

What is nohup Command and How to Use it?

What is nohup Command and How to Use it?

Do you tire of running long and resource-intensive commands on your terminal, only to lose progress when you close the session? Look no further, because the nohup command is here to save the day! Understanding the power of nohup can greatly simplify your workflow and ensure your commands continue running even after you log out. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the nohup command, how it works, and most importantly, how to use it effectively. We cover everything from basic syntax to advanced usage scenarios.

Benefits of Using nohup Command

The nohup command offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly improve your efficiency and productivity when working on the command line. Some of the benefits of using nohup command are mentioned below:

  1. Process Persistence: Programs stay active even when the user logs off or closes the terminal.
  2. Background Execution: Processes can operate in the background via background execution, freeing up the terminal for other uses.
  3. Automated Task Management: Useful for automating long-running scripts and tasks without manual supervision.
  4. Resource Efficiency: Allows for effective resource management by allowing important processes to continue operating without continual user input.
  5. Logging Capability: This feature redirects output to log files, which helps with process monitoring and debugging.
  6. System Administration: It is necessary for system administrators to regularly perform server procedures and maintenance routines.
  7. Reduced Downtime: Prevents user logouts from disrupting critical services and processes, reducing downtime.
  8. Flexibility: May be used to develop strong automation by combining with other commands and scripts.
  9. Compatibility: Works with almost any command or script on Unix-based operating systems.
  10. User Independence: Allows processes to operate independently of the user session, making them ideal for conducting vital background services.

Syntax and Usage of the nohup Command

In order to harness the full potential of the nohup command, it is essential to understand its syntax and usage conventions. The basic syntax of the nohup command follows a simple structure, starting with the command itself followed by any arguments or options, and ending with an ampersand (&) to run the command in the background. For example, to execute a command named my_command using nohup, you would enter the following command:

nohup my_command &

This runs my_command in the background and ensures it keeps running even after logging out.

nohup command output

In the above example screenshot, you can see [1] 16304 shown after the command execution. This indicates that the command has been started as a background job with the job ID [1] and the process ID 16304.
In the next line, there is another text output message: nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'. This message indicates that nohup is ignoring any input from the terminal and is redirecting the output of the command to a file named nohup.out.

If the terminal is still not giving you a prompt to enter next command or do any other thing, just  try pressing Enter a couple of times. If the issue persists, you might want to check your terminal settings or restart the terminal session.

By default, nohup redirects the output to a file named nohup.out in the current directory. If the file isn’t writable, it uses the user’s home directory. It allows you to capture and review the command’s output at a later time. To redirect output to a different file, you can use the following syntax:

nohup my_command > output.log 2>&1 &
Explanation of the command: nohup my_command > output.log 2>&1 &

> output.log: Redirects standard output to output.log.

2>&1: Redirects standard error to the same file descriptor as standard output.

nohup my_command > output.log 2>&1 &

This feature is particularly useful for logging command output, debugging errors, and monitoring the progress of long-running tasks initiated with nohup.

Although nohup is usually for non-interactive commands or scripts, it can be used with interactive commands. Be cautious, as the behavior might be unpredictable if the command expects user input. It's best to avoid using nohup with interactive programs.

Monitoring nohup Processes: Using ps and jobs Commands

When running a command with nohup, you can check the status of the background process using tools such as ps (process status) or jobs to view active jobs in the terminal session. This visibility enables you to monitor the execution of nohup processes, identify any issues or anomalies, and manage background tasks effectively.

Checking Status with ps Command:

The ps command provides a snapshot of the current processes running on the system. To find a specific nohup process, you can use the ps command combined with grep to filter the output.

ps aux | grep my_command
Explanation of the command: ps aux | grep my_command

ps aux: Lists all running processes.

grep my_command: Filters the processes to show only those that match my_command.

Viewing Active Jobs with jobs Command:

The jobs command displays the list of active jobs in the current terminal session. This is particularly useful if you started the nohup process from an interactive shell.

jobs -l

This command will lists all active jobs with their process IDs (PIDs).

With the visibility provided by these commands, you can manage your background tasks more efficiently.

In addition to monitoring background processes, you can bring a background process to the foreground by using the fg command followed by the job number. This action brings the background process into the foreground, allowing you to interact with it directly from the terminal.


Use the fg command followed by the job ID. If the job ID is 1, then I will execute the command as shown below in the screenshot:

fg command in linux

Alternatively, you can suspend a background process temporarily using the Ctrl + Z shortcut and resume it later using the bg command followed by the job number.

bg command in linux

How to Kill a nohup Process?

In certain situations, you may need to terminate a nohup process that is running in the background, either to free up system resources, address errors, or stop a task that is no longer needed.

Once you have the PID you have found using the commands we discussed above using ps aux | grep my_command or job -l, you can use the kill command to terminate the process:

kill -9 PID

Replace PID with the actual process ID of the nohup command you want to terminate. The -9 option sends the SIGKILL signal, which forcefully stops the process.

terminating a process by kill command.

To ensure the process has been successfully terminated, you can run the ps aux | grep my_command or job -l command again. If the process does not appear in the output, it has been successfully terminated. This action effectively stops the execution of the background process and frees up system resources for other tasks.

Alternatively, you can use the pkill command to terminate a nohup process based on its name or other criteria. By specifying the process name or attributes, pkill can effectively identify and terminate the corresponding nohup process running in the background. For instance, to kill a nohup process named my_process, you would run the command:

pkill -f my_process

This method provides a convenient way to terminate background tasks initiated with nohup based on specific criteria, streamlining the process of managing running processes in the background.

Common Questions Solved by Using the nohup Command

  1. How can I ensure that my long-running script continues executing even after I log out?

Answer: Use nohup to run the script:

nohup ./data_backup.sh &

  1. What should I do to keep my server process running in the background, even if I close my terminal?

Answer: Use nohup to start the server:

nohup python -m http.server 8080 &

  1. How can I automate a scheduled task that needs to persist beyond my user session?

Schedule the task with cron and use nohup:

0 2 * * * nohup /path/to/your_task.sh > /path/to/logfile 2>&1 &

  1. What command can I use to ensure my data processing script keeps running if I disconnect from the session?

Answer: Use nohup to run the data processing script:

nohup Rscript data_analysis.R &

  1. How do I make sure that my large file download continues even if I log out?

Answer: Use nohup for the download command:

nohup wget http://example.com/largefile.zip &

  1. What command allows me to keep compiling software without interruptions from session disconnections?

Answer: Use nohup to compile the software:

nohup make &

  1. How can I run a database backup that continues even if my terminal session ends?

Answer: Use nohup for the database backup command:

nohup mysqldump -u root -p database_name > backup.sql &

  1. What can I do to ensure my batch processing job runs to completion, regardless of my session status?

Answer: Use nohup to run the batch processing job:

nohup ./batch_process.sh &

  1. How can I run a containerized application that needs to keep running after I log out?

Answer: Use nohup with the Docker run command:

nohup docker run -d my_container &

  1. What should I use to ensure my monitoring and logging scripts continue to run and collect data continuously?

Answer: Use nohup to run the monitoring script:

nohup ./monitoring_script.sh > monitor.log 2>&1 &

In conclusion, the nohup command is a powerful tool for running commands persistently in the background, ensuring uninterrupted execution of critical tasks on the command line. By understanding its purpose, benefits, syntax, and usage, you can optimize your workflow and enhance productivity. Whether transferring files, processing data, or performing system maintenance, nohup frees up your terminal for additional operations. It offers resilience, versatility, and efficiency in managing long-running tasks and background processes. The ability to redirect output, check process status, and kill nohup processes provides control and visibility for a smooth workflow. Embrace nohup to unlock the full potential of running commands persistently in the background with confidence and ease.

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How to Run a Linux Command in the Background using ‘&’
How to Run and Keep Linux Command in Background?
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